Thursday, March 31, 2011
Follow Up - Direct TV Commercial
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Axe Deodarant Spray
This ad displays coolness to me because in my opinion as a male being cool is directly correlated with being able to impress women and here this guy is just taking off one shirt after another after spraying himself with this spray and watching women faint because of it.This ad is definitely for men and to me the attitude showed is just one of confidence and being capable of getting girls as a man.
Belvedere Vodka Commercial
I can't stand vodka of any kind, and I think Vincent Gallo is a jerk but I like the appeal of the ad. I looked at the responses to this video to see how it appealed to people and this response stuck out to me:
"i LOVE this commercial! so much that i sought it out on youtube! i think its so great because when i watch it, i get that feel good mood like i am at a fun party. it definetly makes ME want to go out and get some Belvedere!"
Bam. I believe that the quote above is what the advertisers were going for. The song and the way it was shot appealed to me, the individuals gave off that "cool" nonchalant vibe so popular with the younger generations today. What is cool? Celebrities, partying and Belvedere. This ad creates the feeling of high society but with a modern and youthful twist.... "Luxury Reborn". A tornado lifestyle of excess and fun.
Domino's Pizza Turnaround
Look Cool Smoking Camel Lights

This paper advertisement, from a 1993 magazine, is for R.J Reynolds Tobacco Co. and highlights Camel Cigarettes with the infamous Joe Camel. Ad shows Joe standing by his red convertible with a pack of smokes rolled in his sleeve.TORNADO.It's suggesting that you will look as cool as Joe Camel while smoking Camel Lights. This ad is suggesting the look of being cool as Joe Camel posted up by his car in a tight black t-shirt and sunglasses with a confident pose
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011
Colgate Palmolive Ajax House Cleaner

Contemporary Ads for housewives

These are four contemporary magazine ads that are directed towards housewives trying to impose the feeling of being an efficient housewife who is also appealing to her husband at the same time. The one at the top right really displays that as it says the harder a wife works the cuter she looks, trying to encourage them to use their product.
Swiffer Ad
This ad reveals the importance of having a clean house and how to maintain one. When you read the text, it shows how fast and simple it is to use the product and get the outcome you desire. The female is also happy to see that her job has gotten done in a timely manner.
Armstrong Flooring

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Electrolux makes it easy
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Unreal Liberation
This video shows an ad for a shampoo that will leave you with the best hair no matter the tough conditions...Because you are worth it.
This video shows hair coloring as the most luxurious thing to do. Beautiful, long lasting color all possible if you buy this product
What other cosmetics ads used today give the impression of "liberation" through these products?
Do you feel that the products for women today are advertised with a sense of false freedom with a never ending goal?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Life Magazine Archive (with ads!)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Andy Warhol Cell Phone

Warhol Soup
Coca-Cola as Pop Art
Andy Warhol Knives
Andy Warhol, Brillo Box

The Brillo Box was originally designed to give a new look to the product. Andy Warhol then took this new look to the cleaning product and incorporated this design into the art world. Warhol took this design and turned it into a recognizable work which he was associated with. Even though Warhol originally didn't create the design he was such an icon that the box was instantly Warhol's work of art.
Diamond Dust Shoes
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Coca Cola by Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol's approach to making artwork of iconic American products such as Coca-Cola, evolved the phenomenon of popular culture through mass production. He reflected popular culture by incorporating images of consumer products, which gave each of his paintings a psuedoindvidualistic quality. In his Coca-Cola paintings, he gave the brand the appeal of instant accessibility to every type of consumer. He even states that "You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coca-Cola, Liz Taylor drinks Coca-Cola, and just think, you can drink Coca-Cola, too."
Andy Warhol & Campbell's Soup
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
How Men Clawed into Consumerism

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
"Mr. Fixit"
Posted by Hannah Bolton
Steven Gelber introduces domestic masculinity to us as the creation of a male sphere inside of the home. The idea of space is presented, noting that when women began to work in the office, men felt they were being civilized and losing their manhood—therefore they needed to create something that gave them a new purpose, a new meaning for being a man. While previously hired help was called in to repair things, the Do-it-yourselfer found family bonding and masculine identity within the home. He explains that while men were the head of household and brought home the money, they often had very little to do there. The women raised children, while men were occupied with something else in another room, or left to meet up with friends (separating themselves from the family). Domestic masculinity was the answer to reacquainting themselves with manual skill, taking pride in something, saving money, and participating in family activities while retaining a masculine style. Do-it-yourself was most of all thought of as leisure. Work around the house was not work—it was recreation that soothed the stressed minds of men after being in an office all day. Working on things gave them a sense of satisfaction that may have ceased to exist within their jobs. This change also brought fathers and sons closer. Fathers passed on specific skills to their sons, a form of masculine bonding. The housing market was booming in the 1930s, and because home ownership was popular among the blue collared, do-it-yourself was an activity that transcended class rather than gender. Although you would think that poorer homes had to save more money, rather than the rich, Gelber explains that men from all classes recognize do-it-yourself as not quite a chore, but something taken up voluntarily. It was a mixture of everything: leisure that was work-like and chores that were leisurely; the tasks were performed by middle-class men acting like blue-collar workers and blue collar workers acting like middle class homeowners. It was in other words, a hobby.