Sarah Quick
Kendra Harris
Victor Alvarez
1. The ad is a copy of a drawing by an artist of the time era. It's a realistic illustration that's pretty straight forward. It doesn't make claims that are out of the ordinary for any other shave gel/lotion. The product's slogan, "you're in the swim" could be drawing attention to the more hip and upper-class men of society. This group of men could be what the product is trying to appeal to.
2. Out of all the other ads shown in class, this one was the most sexual. Due to its use of color, this ad is most likely before the Depression era. The red bathing suit, heels, and lipstick draw attention to the sexual nature of the ad. The woman is touching the man's face tenderly, there's a lot of skin showing, and the man is laying above the woman.
There might be a few anxieties created by the ad. In the bottom corner, there is a smaller ad for a similar product. It tells the reader to beware of B.O. - "Avoid Athletic Aroma!" The men might become aware of their odor and think that they need Barbasol in order to cure it.
3. We think the ad makes logical appeals. It claims to wilt your beard, never dry out your skin, and it helps to keep your face fresh and cool. It also claims to work as a sunburn relief, as well as give relief from windburn, insect bites, and itching. The artwork creates the setting of a couple in love on the beach. The woman is feeling his smooth, Barbasol face. The both look refreshed and cool. This ad could have been before the Depression since the man is wearing what looks to be a gold bracelet and the woman has fun accessories (bracelet and sunglasses).
This is a great ad. Just think how risky and out of the norm this was during that era. A woman wearing red heels and a red bathing suit was very sensual,and inviting. By using this product you could have the same experiences. You might even feel like you jumped into a cool and refresing swimming pool.
I have to agree with Monique. Back then this would have probably "wowed" the viewers of this ad. It is, as she said, out of the norm during that era. I like how it says that it is like taking a dip in a pool. The image of the woman in red heals and bathing suit touching the mans face sensually would probably be very appealing to young men.
this ad is "sexy" for its time and its pretty straight forward. It also implies to men if you use this product girls will be after you. A technique still used today just like with axe or bod spray. This just goes to show you it doesn't matter how many years pass by that the same sexual appeal technique will always work. hell I wanna buy the shaving cream now lol
I think this a great ad. The ad is great for the time period but it could even be appreciated now days also. Sex sells, so when you have a sexy women laying on the floor rubbing a guys face, you are automatically attracted to the ad. I believe the ad appeals to everyone because young men might believe, if they shave with that type of shaving cream then they might find a women like that. Women may find that, if a guy shaves with that brand of shaving cream, then they will look like him.
Even though this was my group's ad, I felt like adding a bit more about the "anxiety" factor. I think that the reader would experience anxiety simply by viewing the ad because the time era did not easily permit such risqué advertisements. Barbasol made a huge statement by creating a "sex-sells" ad in this decade.
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