Tacori Diamonds, Cosmopolitan, July 2008. Deeadra Piper
Singapore Airlines, Forbes, July 3, 2008. Leigh Rodrigue
Cerrone, Hollywood Life, March/April 2007. Laura Labay
Of the three ads considered, this one seemed to make the boldest statement. This advertisement has "higher standard of living" written all over it. It contains three very symbolic images that scream "High Society!": diamonds, a silver spoon, and caviar. The ad gives the impression that wearing this piece of jewelry puts a person on a high enough level to be able to rub elbows with the most elite - those eating caviar from silver spoons. The fact that Tacori (the jewelry designer) chose to combine these elements into one advertisement says that their product is only of the highest regard, therefore adding that aspect of quality to the life of the wearer.
Since the ad was found in Cosmopolitan magazine, it seems to cater to a female demographic between the ages of 18 and 35. There is no targeted income bracket because of the simple fact that the jewelry shown here is an engagement ring, meaning the reader won't be making the purchase at all but rather given the diamond as a gift. What's being targeted the most here is a state of mind. The majority of the articles published in a magazine like this one are focused on relationships and dating. This would suggest that most readers of Cosmopolitan are unmarried right now, but hoping that one day they will receive a ring such as this one. Studying the photograph would make a young woman feel that merely sporting a diamond as "upscale" as Tacori's would make her as important as society's most elite.
I think this ad fits perfectly for the assignment. It is the epitome of selling a higher standard of living. Even the way that the ring wraps around the spoon seems to suggest that this ring goes hand-in-hand with the silver spoon and finer living. It could even imply that the ring will create the image that the wearer has always been this elegant and fabulous or conversely that this is the only suitable ring for someone who is accustomed to the finer side of life. Lastly, there appears to be a flash of lightning that reflects off of the ring and onto the spoon. I don't really know what to take from it, but it seems to represent some form of power or unstoppable force. Personally, I think when you have enough money to buy a ring with 20+ diamonds on it, you're looking for something else in life, like a ring that screams sophistication with a touch of dominance.
Out of all the ads, this one is the most direct and is blatantly seeking to attract people in the upper classes that have high income. It also may attract people who wish they lived an affluent lifestyle, but simply cannot afford the product. The ad is bold and sleek. The combination of the silver spoon, caviar, and the diamond, visually symbolizes that their diamonds belong to only the upper echelon crowd. There is a (photo shopped) reflection of clouds being pierced by sunlight on the silver spoon that further highlights the diamond, enhancing the sparkle, and also suggesting that their diamonds are "heavenly". Personally, I think people that are intrigued by this print ad may grow more fond of diamonds in general, but not necessarily Taccori diamonds, because the ad suggests that most people can't afford their product. Still, it successfully establishes brand awareness, placing Taccori amongst other elite luxury brand names.
I really like this ad. I love that Taccori is not using some celebrity flashing their fingers on the pages of the magazines to sell their product. It's simple and elegant - much like the women who might end up wearing the ring.
The silver spoon and caviar play along with the notion that Taccori is high-class and only for those who are sophisticated and wealthy.
It's probably just me, but I picked up on something that hasn't been mentioned. Something that I feel is portrayed in this ad is the saying that goes, "you were born silverspoon in hand." It's as if the ad is saying, "You were handed all the good things in life, why not give yourself something good. And enjoy some caviar, too!"
This ad uses great symbolism into the lifestyle of being luxurious. The "soft sell" approach uses a beautiful diamond ring draped over a silver spoon, with the delicacy of caviar. This subtle approach at an ad gives the consumer the idea that if they buy this ring, they will be able to enjoy the finest things in life.
Most people associate caviar and silver spoons with being expensive and in good taste. So, this ad is also implying that if you wear this certain brand of jewelry then they will have the look and appeal of also being expensive and having good taste, as well.
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