Leanne Meador
Justin Flowers
Alyssa Cevallos
This portrait is portraying a husband and a wife with a very elegant setting. It seems that they are representing the upper class because of the clothing depicted and the exquisite taste they have for jewelry and accessories. The art in this photogragh is mainly realistic because it is a natural scene and there is nothing out of the ordinary. They are not trying to sell the product based on style but on the situation. The man has a certain impression of the woman and whether she uses Palmolive soap will have everything to do with if he stays interested in her or not. In this article there is a lot of medical information given such as what makeup does to your skin and to your pores, which is the sole reason for the need to use this particular soap. This ad make the appeal that it is very important to keep yourself and your husband satisfied and to do this it is essential to take care of your body and use the right product to do so. It creates a lot of anxiety because it gives a scenario where your husband may not want to make the same decision twice to marry you based on whether or not you maintain a good appearance. The art shows this situation because there is no connection between the two. The husband is clearly looking right passed his wife and that could be due to the fact that she isn't keeping up with the standard that her husband set which is to cleanse yourself with Palmolive. The ad is logical because it has truth to it. It states the medical facts of what can happen to your skin if you don't take care of it and it explains that by using a product such as palmolive it will only enhance to the look and the cleanliness of your body. Palmolive is known to soothe and soften as is cleans the pores and it also contains palm and olive oils which were used as cosmetics in the days of ancient Egypt. For the most part, this ad uses pictures that don't try to force the product on you but more so to show you what Palmolive is capable of doing.
This ad first creates anxieties for women about staying attractive to her husband and keeping him satisfied by means of the cleanliness of her skin. I really do like the fact that the advertisement goes on to inform the consumer about her own skin. Always removing make up before bed and the importance of a clean face are things that all women know these days, but at the time of the ad's publication, educating women about their skin seems like a great way to sell this product.
This ad definitely starts by building an anxiety for women that they aren't good or pretty enough for their husbands anymore. A woman who is still attractive to their husbands are considered very fortunate. The illustration is of a displeased and disinterested couple, and the text basically promises that this soap will cure your man troubles. The emphasis on cheap price combines a hard sell approach, with the illustration of an ancient royal Egyptian that implies that this product is considered natural and even luxurious, despite the cheap price. At the end of the text, the ad states that "millions of women get their envied complexions through the use of Palmolive soap", providing an "everybody is doing it" approach to ease (or convince) women to make the purchase.
This ad does a great job of employing constructive discontent. The first two paragraphs alone do enough damage to a woman's self-esteem to make her want to use Palmolive soap. The headline asking if you husband would marry you again creates a doubt in your mind that would have probably never been there. The article goes on to inform us that many women, if they're "honest", is forced to doubt their husband would and thereafter pay closer attention to their "personal attractions". The second paragraph notifies us that radiant, glowing healthy skin isn't just a sign of youth but is youth and all women can enjoy it... by using Palmolive. This then satisfies the doubt the ad created and reestablishes equilibrium.
In my opinion, this ad is an example of constructive discontent. It points out many fears of married woman about their husband loosing interest in them. The ad then relieves those fears by suggesting if they use palmolive soap their fears will be alleviated.
In my opinion this ad is an example of constructive discontent. It points out the fear that many married woman have of their husband loosing interest in them and then suggests if they use palmolive soap that fear will be alleviated.
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