Deeadra Piper
Laura Labay
Leigh Rodrigue
In the advertisement for Kotex, the illustration is a realistic picture of a seemingly prosperous woman in the 1920s performing or modeling on stage with an air of ease and confidence. Right away, beginning with the headline and the caption under the picture, the ad employs the use of constructive discontent by readily identifying the fact that women are worried about hygiene, protection, embarrassment, and laundry. The concerns are then relieved by introducing a "scientific" solution.
The fact that the article is written by a registered nurse is the first hint at the many medical claims that Kotex is making. The term "Cellucotton" is used to attest to the uniqueness of the product, claiming to be "the super-absorbent of modern scientific attainment." In fact, the word "scientific" is used at least six times in the length of the article.
While the side art illustrates the mainly logical appeals, citing problem-solving and convenience of purchase, there is also a bit of emotional appeal. Kotex owners can now feel secure, free, modern, of the "better-class", and satisfied overall.
This ad does a good job of scaring women into buying only Kotex and protecting their brand, with this copy near the end of the ad:
"Insanitarily made imitations are, we are told, being offered for the sake of higher profit, by some stores, as the “same as kotex.” They are not. Watch out."
The first part of the ad proclaimed how "scientific" the product was, as pointed out above. So, that is used to contrast the product with inferior, "insanitary (unsanitary?) products" at the end of the copy, in order to make sure customers buy only their product.
nice eye, sarah!
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