Michelle Quintanilla
Amanda Martinez
Lauren Stewart
Lifebuoy Health Soap
This ad contains illustrations of people handling money such as a banker, and civilians at a food market. Although the art is illustrated, it is realistic.The style of language employed is dramatic in that it promotes extreme health while trying to make you fearful of things as little as handling money. Its also dramatic in the sense that it goes as far to say" Have you noticed how men everywhere prefer Lifebuoy? Men know good soap!". It then directs its sell at women, because it implies if all men wear this soap, i need to buy it for the men in my household.
The emotional appeal the ad makes is a protective one. It created the anxiety of disease and worry of keeping your family free from disease. It alerts you to be aware the germs you may encounter in everyday life, and then offers Lifebuoy Health Soap as the ultimate solution to that problem.The first illustration sort of represents how money can go from the lower class and makes its way up to the banker in the second illustration, which can represent higher class. First, the ad poses the threat of dirty money with the quote "If you handle money, use lifebuoy regularly", and then leads promote the soap and the health issues you will avoid if you use the soap.
The logical appeal the ad makes is how healthy the soap is, and how your health will benefit in using this soap. It even has a side quote "The color pure, unbleached palm-fruit oil is red-so Lifebuoy is red". Its slogan is "Lifebuoy Health Soap. More than soap-a health habit". The illustration of the soap also helps to create the logical health appeal.
1 comment:
The direction taken in this advertisement was a pretty smart one. This was obviously printed in the 1930s when money was scarce and everyone was taking it from wherever they could get it. Money really is dirty, and what better way to sell your soap than to market it to people who are trying to hold on to every dirty, nasty dollar.
I did notice the art in the corner of the lower-class "bums" exchanging the money and then the well-to-do businessman handling those same dollars. it seems to be a marketing strategy for people of all income levels and a way to bridge the gap between the classes by saying "Money is money and we all pass it around, along with the germs, rich and poor alike."
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