Smart Water, Men's Health, July/Aug. 2008, John Kroeger
Oakley, Spin Magazine, July 2000, Jonathan Villarrell
Omega, GQ Magazine, June 24, 2008, Marcus Hammonds
We chose this ad because we are football fans, and we like and admire Tom Brady. We associate Tom Brady with excellence and success in sports. He has shown outstanding leadership by leading his team to three Super Bowl victories; therefore, if Tom Brady drinks Smart Water, then, it must be the best. In this ad, Tom is adressing football players. He has a serious facial expression and is gesturing with his fists coming together which to us denotes strength. It suggests that Smart Water is affiliated with strength, a definite postive. Playing and winning the game is the objective. Tom Brady is a winner, and Smart Water must be part of his program.
We think this ad targets athletes, particularly young men. In addition, we believe that women who love Tom Brady will want Smart Water just because they want to emulate him. For those who can afford Smart Water, they will naturally add Smart Water to their shopping. For those who have a limited budget, they will put it higher on their priority list. This ad was published in a Men's Health magazine which insures that the audience was expanded beyond athletes, sports fans and feminine worshipers to those individuals focused on fitness.
I think this ad is tryng to show the successful man: one who is both strong, sexy, but still sensitive. The sensitivity is shown by the fact that a successful football star is still taking time to coach kids.
Thus, the water is being associated with being the ultimate tough man and gentleman.
I like this ad because it is incorporating a celebrity into the ad which shows success and a higher standard of living.
However, I do not like how the water bottle is positioned. I think it should be larger. The water bottle is somewhat hidden in the "huddle."
I think that most people can agree on the fact that when it comes to advertising, famous people have a huge impact. In this ad, there could be any ordinary person in the place of Tom Brady, but most likely he or she wouldn't catch the attention of the public eye. Tom Brady is ideal for this ad because he is a three time champion, good looking, a role model and an inspiration to most athletes. If a company is trying to promote Smart Water then I think that this approach will be the most effective. People are going to want to be like Tom Brady so they will try to follow in his footsteps however they can...including drinking the same kind of water!
I happen to like the SmartWater ads, although there are a few more that really make the bottled water, and the spokesman Tom Brady more extravagant. This one is interesting, but you should have commented on more of how the water is what brings clarity to color to a dreaery and black and white ground. what i was strying to explain is how when you think of water you think just that water no flavor, dull and in this photo everything around smartwater is dull, but the water is bright and radiating color standning out. Still a good picture, and a good ad.
I think this ad is giving the impression that if you buy smart water for your kids it is the equivalent of giving your child the advantage of having a professional football player as a coach. This ad was in Mens Health, the fact that they incorporated boys football indicates to me they are trying to reach fathers that are determined to ensure their sons success, and to do that they must buy Smart Water.
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